A few basics

npsimulation and npanalysis facilities can be run from any directory.
npanalysis looks in the current directory for an analysis library (libNPAnalysis) to load and use. If not present, the analysis is limited to build the PhysicsTree.
To perform a quick analysis of the last Monte Carlo simulation, do:

$ npanalysis --last-sim

Any additional flag can be used

npsimulation can be used in batch mode (with no UI) if the user provides a Geant4 macro file specified with the -B flag

$ npsimulation -D Example1.detector -E Example1.reaction -B path/to/macro.mac -O FileName

npsimulation, npanalysis and the results display can be chained in a single command line using the ‘&&’ operator:

$ npsimulation -D Example1.detector -E Example1.reaction -B path/to/marcro.mac -O FileName && npanalysis --last-sim -O FileName && root MyMacro.C